Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cempaka school campaign : Save The World

There was a campaign 'Save The World' going on in Bangsar village on the 30th May. The campaign was arrange by Cempaka school. It was kinda cool. The campaign is about save mother earth (environment concern), encourage world peace (stop diplamatic military crisis) and more.. Incase you wanna know about how i know about this campaign, i was there for some reason( something to do with church activity)and so happen the campaign was held on that day.=)

yours truly, -pamela- [NV]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Creative Fest

Do you know why this exhibition held?
If your answer is:

a. Because Mr. charles and Pn. Hayati said we have to
b. Waffle shop is right next door.
c. We have nothing better to do.

NO!! none of the answer above is correct. well maybe b. is acceptable because waffle shop is just right next door and the smell is so tempting but its not just because of that, the answer is more than that!

The exhibition was held because to create awareness among us to save our environment. Besides that, some of the funds that we earn will be donated to the childrens home through the Islamic Relieve organization to build a library for them.

Every each group were freely given a choice to set up interesting Funds activities such as setting up booths to sale drinks, accesories, henna and etc...

Our group chose to bake Cookies. Yay!!=D

A day before Creative Fest( 25th May 2009):
My group members came over to my house to bake cookies =D.

We started out sorting ,measuring, and getting ready with our ingredients before mixing it.

Next ,we mix the ingredients

After mixing it, we spread the mixture onto a flat tray nicely and put it in an oven and waited for 10 minutes and..............






tadddaaaaaaaa !!!

our cookies was succuessfully baked.

Okay, it may sound so simple to do but it doesn't end there. There are lots and lots more cookies to bake so Izwan and Afiq decided to do the baking while Nureen, Rui and I prepare as many packaging as we can for the cookies.


On the Creative Fest day (26th May 2009):

Creative fest was a blast! Many people came to visit the gallery.

Incase you wanna know, we successfully sold all of our cookies =D YAY!

The exhibition was a success as well. All the hard work we and the whole FNBE peeps have poured out through some sleepless night to do the banner, the magic cake box, 50 invitation cards, the publicity, pinyata, man power to set up everything in the gallery and many more had really paid off. The work may be tiring but we have lots of fun doing it together=D.

Yours truly,
-pamela- [NV]

sculpture:Tree of hope ( temperature)

This is our class (FNBE) Tree Of Hope sculpture. Beauty eh? Every each group in our class have created an issue which is related to one theme 'Environment'.We also think about the factors and effect of the issues and thus, we came up with solutions and put it in a sculpture way.

Our group, which is envee group of course ;) has created an issue entitled 'Temperature' and this is how our sculpture look like:

We also explaine(creatively) about our sculpture by writing & drawing it in a mah jong paper( as shown below).

Actually, we were given 5 minutes to finish it, but thanks to Pn. Hayati, she kindly gave us a little more time to finish it. Thank you Pn, Hayati!!! We heart you!..and Mr. charles too=D without both of you, we wouldn't have our opportunities to show our creativeness.


- Pamela - [NV]

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Power is Yours!

Remember this guy? Let me refresh your memory ;

ah it's Captain Planet! Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist television program, based on an idea by Ted Turner and produced by Andy Heyward, Robby London, Barbara Pyle and Nicholas Boxer.

What Captain Planet & the Planeteers do is that they save the Earth from any devastating destruction. The Planeteers even use transportation based on solar power in order to avoid causing pollution themselves! In situations that the Planeteers cannot resolve alone, they can combine their powers to summon Captain Planet, a magical entity who possesses all of their powers magnified, symbolizing the premise that the combined efforts of a team are stronger than its individual parts. Captain Planet only appears in his Captain Planet garb. These are not clothes but elements of the Earth that are integral to his composition. Interesting ay?

Of course, when there are heroes, there are always villains. A small group of villains, usually referred to as the Ecovillains, make appearances repeatedly in most episodes. They are well aware that what they do is wrong, yet do it anyhow, moved by greed, selfishness, or a desire for power (sounds a lot like humans nowadays, no?)

I think this type of animation program or cartoon is a brilliant way to approach & make people realize about the environment & how important it is to save as well as preserve our “habitat”. This show is very informative & interesting for people of all age. It may not be showed on television no more, but there’s no harm with downloading it or watching it straight from youtube like I did.

In addition, Captain Planet also has its own Foundation! The mission of the Captain Planet Foundation is to fund and support hands-on environmental projects for children and youths. For more information, go to this website ;

Here’s one part of an episode I would like to show. Watch & learn ;

So come on people! Let us be Planeteers & work for a cleaner, greener future that celebrates diversity and cultures from every corner of the globe. Let us make efforts to make our planet home, sweet home. It’s the only home we’ve got! We have to cherish it with our OWN unique powers.

<3 Nureen

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its really getting hot in here weih!

okay obviousely, our earth temperature is getting higher . In other words, bumi kita semakin panas giler doh! The factors of the continuouse increasing earth temperature (through year by year,month by month or maybe a second by second! =O who knows right.. anything can happen) is done by our very own hands. Not the animals, not the plant,trees and other earth natural habitat..but us, human, who live on earth, are the causes of it!

the following videos below shows the effect of continuouse rising of earth temperature and some steps to reduce it.

Yours truly,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The World Is Dying- and so are we.

At some level, we're aware that something terrible is happening, that we humans are laying waste to our natural inheritance. A great sorrow arises as we witness the changes in the atmosphere, the waste of resources and the consequent pollution, the ongoing deforestation and destruction of fisheries, the rapidly spreading deserts, and the mass extinction of species.

All these changes signal a turning point in human history, and the outlook is not particularly bright. The anger, irritability, frustration and intolerance that increasingly pervades our common life are symptoms associated with grief. The pervasive sense of helplessness and numbness that surrounds us, and the frantic search for meaning and questioning of religion and philosophy of life, are likewise often seen among those who must deal with overwhelming sorrow.

Grief is a natural reaction to calamity, and the stages of grief are visible in our reaction to the rapid decline of the natural world. There are a number of steps that people go though in the grief process. One of them is often a denial: ''This can't really be happening,'' a feeling common among millions of Americans. Eighty percent of American adults say they are concerned about the environment, and there is some awareness of the gravity of our situation, yet a widespread awareness has yet to be felt in practical terms. We know the facts, but we're ignoring them in the interests of emotional survival.

Even if we face the consequences of our assault on the natural environment, we may still find that the problems are too big, that there's not much we can do. Yet those of us who feel this sorrow cannot forever deny it, without suffering inexplicable disturbances in our own lives. It's necessary to face our fear and our pain, and to go through the process of grieving, because the alternative is a sorrow deeper still: the loss of meaning. To live authentically in this time, we must allow ourselves to feel the magnitude of our human predicament.

Wake up people!
The earth is dying- so are we!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Act Now!

The scenes from the movie, the 11th hour still wanders in my mind.. It made me realise how serious is our earth's condition today. All we keep hearing & complaining about, is how serious the situation is, but we should ask ourselves, did we do anything to help change the condition and make the world a better place to live in? No, all we do is on the air-conditioners, which indirectly produces CFCs which depletes our ozone layer. Once there is a hole in the ozone layer, the sunlight can directly reach us, which can easily cause skin infections or serious sun burns. Sometimes, the heat gets so intense, feeling thirsty is one thing, but having a fever is so much worse.

How we think is actually so selfish. I mean, why not try and help to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide which will eventually cause global warming, rather than just take a medicine or some cool pads and get well? If everyone does their own thing and solve their own problems, then how are we going to reduce the impact of an international issue, which is global warming? The glaciers and ice at the poles are melting!! Does that even mean anything to you? Maybe because we, as humans can't see far enough as it will eventually cause flash floods, until it hit us. People! Prevention is so much better than cure, why do we choose to learn it the hard way?

What goes around, comes around... One day, the world will get so warm, all the glaciers at the poles will melt and islands will sink. The earth will get so hot, it will be unsuitable for all living creatures to live, including humans. Will that the end of the human race? Or will technology save us then? Before something serious happens, we should try our best to prevent it. Do not wait till the 11th hour people! Act now! A pair of hands will not be enough. All of us should try our best to cultivate a 'green' lifestyle which will greatly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. Remember, action always speak louder than words..



So, here's the story. This guy up there, Zulhisyam Zaibuddin? Him, he is not a Taylorian anymore. Turns out, he got the offer to go to one of the best universities in the country ; Universiti Malaya. Will be doing Asasi Seni Bina (yeah! the same course he did in Taylors!)

He ain't wont just be leaving Taylors, he'll be leaving Envy too! & he told us this at the very last minute. Fine lah, go la go la. Live in a hostel with curfew. We hope the food suck :P Zul is, well, was our Creative Director. He designed our logo, & had contributed a lot of creative ideas to the group. We are happy for you & we wish you great success there. We all Congratulate you & wish you the best in your new Uni. You should know better than to forget us Zulhisyam.

P/S : Ilmu Punca Kemajuan Zul! XD

And so there were five...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saving the world one step at a time


We would just like to say.. WE HAVE A BLOG!!!

Feel free to check out our blog anytime. We will try our best to post blogs that are informative, interesting & entertaining as much as we can.

Til the next blog, Have A Nice Day! ;D
